Archives For October 31, 2012

These cupcakes are super easy (we cheated, using a boxed cupcake recipe, much to my husband’s protests– there’s only so much time in a day!) and we winged the recipe for the filling, and they turned out awesomely good.

Here’s what you need:

  • 1 box yellow cake mix (and ingredients for mix, usually eggs, oil, water)
  • 1 cup whipped chocolate frosting
  • 1 cup whipped butter cream frosting
  • 1 cup peanut butter (we used Jif all natural)
  • 1 cup whip cream
  • cupcake pan and cupcake paper inserts
  • piping instrument (to inject cupcakes with pure yum)

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When guests to our apartment step into our bathroom without  warning about the décor, they’re usually a bit startled. (Who am I kidding? We never give warning. We love seeing our friends’ horror-stricken faces.) Our bathroom screams slasher horror or perhaps zombie apocalypse. Personally, I like to think it’s reminiscent of the shower scene in Psycho. Our shower curtain and bathmat are soaked in tasteful blood splatters, as well as bloody handprints and footprints, and we have a lovely saying about zombies hanging on the wall (from our wedding, of course).

Now if we can just get the rest of the apartment looking this cool, we’ll be in business. (Literally. We could probably charge for tours due to pure awesomeness.)

Egg Baskets

Ashley Walton —  November 5, 2012 — Leave a comment

This is one of my favorite breakfasts ever. Though it looks fancy and complicated, you’ll be shocked and no longer impressed once I’ve revealed the recipe (that’s how most of my dishes go). It’s so simple, I’m infusing this post with lots of pretty pictures to make it seem more interesting/impressive. Okay, ready? Here’s what you need: 4 ramekins, a roll of Pillsbury croissant dough, and 4 eggs. That’s it. Here’s a visual reference to emphasize the simplicity:

If you don’t have ramekins, you can use a muffin tin. Just put half the dough in each muffin slot and cook for a shorter amount of time.

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A Real New Hope

Ashley Walton —  November 2, 2012 — Leave a comment

So by now, the Star Wars stuff is old news. Disney bought Lucasfilm and they’re gonna make episodes 7, 8, and 9 with episode 7 projected to come out in 2015. I hear a lot of the same things from Star Wars fans– some relieved, some angry, but I thought I’d throw in my two cents (this is the internet, after all).

I’m not gonna lie– I’m excited. I sent texts to brothers and nephews, and I went nuts on Twitter and Facebook during the live conference call. Now let me clarify, my excitement is not naive. I’ve been burned by Star Wars before. I’ll never forget my supreme disappointment when I skipped school to see Episode I in theaters opening day, only to find it was about trade legislation (this was only after I’d bought Episode I action figures, gushed over Darth Maul’s look, and dawned Queen Amidala’s makeup for the opening). I think episodes 1 through 3 are beyond boring, and I think Empire Strikes Back is the only truly well-made Star Wars film, though I love the world with all its creatures and characters.

Having established my scorn, I’m still elated that the baton has been passed and someone else is going to give it a go. Will it suck? Maybe. But looking at Disney’s relationship with Marvel, I have hope for Star Wars yet. And whatever happens, I’m thrilled at the prospect of episodes 7–9, which have only been discussed in hushed tones, and I’m relieved they’re being made by someone other than Lucas. If Lucas were making them, I don’t think I would even see them.

Lucas came up with a wonderful world, and he is one admirable philanthropist– I don’t think anyone should ever let him write or direct. Neither of those things are his strengths, nor his talents (geez, the guy made Natalie Portman look like a bad actor, for crying out loud). I know Lucas has had a hard time coming to terms with his angry fans and trusting his beloved ideas to others, but in the end, selling Lucasfilm is the best thing he could have done for his fans, and it’s the most selfless thing he’s done for his fans in years. I’m optimistic about the future (er, or the past, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away).