Archives For November 30, 1999

On Thursday night at Comic-Con, we happened to score tickets to a party hosted at Bang Bang with Elijah Wood as DJ! It was a surreal experience. We loved dancing the night away with fellow geeks and Wood’s actor friends– and the club had exquisite decor. We couldn’t help but take a bunch of pictures of the bathroom…

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Some rad figures on the floor at San Diego Comic-Con this year.




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For us, December means slowly adding more ornaments to a geeky and eclectic Christmas tree. Last year, we collected skullsStar Wars ornaments, and a few Halloween-themed ornaments for our first tree together. This year we’ve added some super cool Star Wars stockings, a Raphael ninja turtle, and a nostalgic movie theater. I’m sure we won’t be able to resist adding more as the season progresses. And if any of you have suggestions for geeky tree toppers, we’re all ears!

IMG_1125 (683x1024)(Star Wars stockings— we had a hard time choosing– there’s also a cool Chewy one)

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At Salt Lake Comic-Con, we had the fortune of finding some of the coolest chocolates ever, made by The Truffle Cottage. We loved them so much, we bought beautifully molded chocolates in the shape of zombie body parts, a companion cube, and a Death Star. And those were so good that when Halloween rolled around, we giddily bought even more unique chocolates from the talented chocolate crafters.

This place is the real deal. Not only are the chocolates lovingly crafted with striking detail, but they are absolutely delicious and come in unique flavors like strawberries and cream and pumpkin pie. As the holidays approach, keep an eye out for gems from The Truffle Cottage. They’re sure to come up with new creations that will make perfect gifts from the holidays. As examples of their awe-inspiring work, here are some of the chocolates they showcased at Salt Lake Comic-Con (now available on their website).

IMG_0888 (1024x687)(Star Wars and Walking Dead goodness)

IMG_0890 (1024x670)(The Falcon and Han in carbonite)

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Geeky Kitchen Gear

Ashley Walton —  April 22, 2013 — 1 Comment

If you didn’t know yet, our entire apartment drips with geekery in every room—our bathroom feels like a horror scene, our living room displays action figures and a giant print depicting us as superheroes, and even our kitchen cabinets and drawers house geeky kitchen gear. As equal parts geek and foodie, our pop culture kitchen supplies are some of our most used and most loved possessions. Here’s a list of some of our favorites:

PacMan Oven Glove

pacman oven mitt

I don’t know about you, but I try to incorporate PacMan into my life any way I can. I’m the weirdo at the arcade who takes a stool and sits at PacMan forever, as if driven by compulsion and a touch of neurosis. So, when I saw PacMan could help me out in the kitchen, I was throwing money at it! If you haven’t used silicone oven mitts, you don’t know what you’re missing. Even though they may look sleek and slippery, they have fantastic grip, so even  the clumsiest of cooks (like me) can navigate the kitchen without getting burned.

Geeky Aprons

Harley Quinn apron

wolverine apron

Bethany Sew & Sew makes some fantastically geeky aprons with inspiration from comics, video games, and movies, along with a bunch of other handmade goodies. For the craftsy-inclined, she also includes sewing tutorials for how to make stuff on your own. Alas, I’m scared I would accidentally sew my fingers together.

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Mega Munny Art Piece

Ashley Walton —  February 11, 2013 — Leave a comment

This is a Munny, and it is the most unique wedding gift we received (and believe me, we got plenty of unique gifts). Currently, it sits proudly on one of our large bookshelves and tallies compliments from guests.


For those of you unfamiliar with the magical world of Kid Robot, go to their site educate yourself. It’s a company based out of LA that primarily makes vinyl figures designed by contemporary artists, but they also have pillows, large installation figures, and street clothes. Over the years, we’ve collected our fair share of blind box figures, along with t-shirts and hoodies. And if you’re a Comic-Con frequenter, Kid Robot always has a cool booth with artists doodling on giant Munnys.

It just so happens that my brother is the ever-talented artist and writer behind False Positive, and he generously bought a blank Mega Munny and painted it for us. Let me be clear: this is by far the coolest thing in our apartment. We like to think there’s a story behind this Munny—that this girl (vampire?) is a monster slayer, who sews clothes out of the skins of her slaughtered prey.


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More Christmas Geekery

Ashley Walton —  December 22, 2012 — 2 Comments

We’ve been busily enjoying time off from work and general holiday merriment, but we wanted to share a quick post with some more of our Christmas geekery. We hope everyone has a happy winter solstice with good memories and, of course, good food!

geek presents(wrapping paper from ThinkGeek: Christmas bots, zombies, and bacon patterns)

geek tree(tree)

skull ornament(skull ornament, Target)

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Christmas Geekery

Ashley Walton —  December 11, 2012 — 2 Comments

We don’t swoon over Christmas the way we do for Halloween, but we’ve picked up some pretty cool decorations that are slowly melting my ice-cold heart. Here are some things we’ve obtained in the interest of holiday cheer:

1. Popcorn Ornament. Hallmark. $7.95.

popcorn ornament

It says, “I like you more than movie popcorn with butter!” That says a lot, really.

2. Geeky Wrapping Paper. ThinkGeek. $3.99–$5.99.


We’ve made it a small tradition to get our wrapping paper exclusively from ThinkGeek (except for the one with Justin Bieber’s face plastered on it that we got from Target– no joke). This year we stocked up on the Holiday Zombies and Christmas Bots, but the Non-denominational paper is also a winner. We also got some bacon wrapping paper, because BACON. Link here.

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When guests to our apartment step into our bathroom without  warning about the décor, they’re usually a bit startled. (Who am I kidding? We never give warning. We love seeing our friends’ horror-stricken faces.) Our bathroom screams slasher horror or perhaps zombie apocalypse. Personally, I like to think it’s reminiscent of the shower scene in Psycho. Our shower curtain and bathmat are soaked in tasteful blood splatters, as well as bloody handprints and footprints, and we have a lovely saying about zombies hanging on the wall (from our wedding, of course).

Now if we can just get the rest of the apartment looking this cool, we’ll be in business. (Literally. We could probably charge for tours due to pure awesomeness.)

Halloween Party Details

Ashley Walton —  October 29, 2012 — 1 Comment

On October 27, 2012 the Nay-Walton household transformed into a creepy crawly Halloween hovel, complete with cobwebs, skulls, pumpkins, and tasteful blood accents for our annual Halloween bash. We made cake pops, taco soup, witches’ brew, bloodbath punch, and friends brought apples with dip, Halloween donuts, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and other goodies. We cranked the Oingo Boingo and basked in the company of our delightful friends.

(eyeball cake pops)

(table decorations)

(table detail– the tablecloth was gauze with blood stains)

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